Nico Guerrero @ Mengi, Reykjavik | July 28 2018
MENGI: Doors at 20:30 – Starts at 21:00 – Tickets: 2.000 kr.
Founder of the French band “Vortex” (Les Disques du Soleil et de l’Acier) with Sonia Cohen-Skalli in the early 90’s, Nico Guerrero is an experimental guitarist and composer living in France and in Iceland, working on the electro-acoustic possibilities/transformations generated by electric guitar. Filtered through a chain of effects, reverbs and various occult alterations, the massive sound extends in resonant overtones and builds a deep sound space, hallucinatory and melancholic, specially in live situations.
In 2015, he’s invited by the American composer Rhys Chatham in his Parisian studio for a musical creation in duet, and in summer 2018, Nico is section conductor in the Rhys Ensemble of 100 electric guitars on the beach at Le Havre.
He currently works on brand new sonic matters that he experiments on guitar solo in Europe venues, and composes with the Italian musician Aima Lichtblau a musical adaptation of the ancient Orphic hymns.
Um listamanninn:
Nico Guerrero býr jafnt á Íslandi og í Frakklandi. Hann er stofnmeðlimur frönsku avant-garde sveitarinnar Vortex ásamt Soniu Cohen-Skalli en sveitin hefur verið starfandi frá því snemma á tíunda áratugnum. Nico unir sér vel á vettvangi tilraunkenndrar tónlistar en hún teygir anga sína til póstrokks og jafnvel hávaðatónlistar (e. noise). Hann fléttar saman ýmsum áferðum og blæbrigðum gítarsins svo úr verður áhrifaríkur og dáleiðandi vefur tóna.
Nico Guerrero hefur að undanförnu unnið í Frakklandi ásamt bandaríska tónskáldinu Rhys Chatham, nú síðast í sumar þar sem hann tók þátt í „The Rhys Ensemble of 100 guitars“ á ströndinni í Le Havre. Hann hefur einnig unnið að verki byggðu á hinum ævafornu sálmum Orfeusar með ítalska tónlistarmanninum Aima Lichtblau.
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