Nicolas Kunysz & Nico Guerrero | Stofan

Nicolas Kunysz & Nico Guerrero | Stofan

Founder of Lowercase Nights and co founder of Lady Boy Records, Nicolas Kunysz is a Belgian musician & designer living in Reykjavik since 2009.

He has become a force in the Icelandic music scene. Known for his immersive soundscapes, his music takes place in the realm of warm ambient drone & electro acoustic.

Nicolas and Nico met in 2015 at the Mengi venue, a must-see in Reykjavik where the heart of an immensely creative and experimental musical community beats.

They quickly rehearsed and performed together, intuitively creating hypnagogic and timeless music.


  • Nicolas Kunysz : field recordings, magnetic tapes & electro acoustic manipulations. & electric guitar
  • Nico Guerrero : electric guitar & filters


Concert at 8