Nico Guerrero | Lowercase Night #48 | Prikið

Nico Guerrero | Lowercase Night #48 | Prikið

In October 9 2016, Nico performed for the Lowercase Nights #48 at Prikið, Reykjavik (IS).

While lowercase started as a soundscape night, it has since morphed into a full sensory experience where a musician, group or ensemble pick a film and improvise a soundtrack live.

These series of events are curated by Nicolas Kunysz (Lady Boy Records) around ambient / experimental / lo fi / discreet / drone / noise / soundscape live music.

Here is the first part of the Live score played by Nico during the screening of “Le Révélateur” (1968), beautiful movie of the French director Philippe Garrel.


  • Concert at
  • Prikið: Bankastræti 12 Reykjavík, 101 Iceland